Frank Brown
(1878 - )
Frank Brown|b. 1878|p377.htm|Moses Aaron Brown|b. 21 May 1836\nd. 17 Jul 1883|p363.htm|Emma Skinner|b. 1844\nd. 1913|p371.htm|John Brown|b. between 1803 and 1804\nd. 17 Feb 1882|p359.htm|Harriet Hubbard|b. between 1805 and 1807\nd. 21 Apr 1890|p360.htm|||||||
- Father: Moses Aaron Brown (21 May 1836 - 17 Jul 1883)
- Mother: Emma Skinner (1844 - 1913)
- Step-father: John William Philpot (28 May 1839 - 1907)
- Relationship: 1st cousin 3 times removed of Adam Paul Brown.
- Frank Brown was born in 1878 in Rainham, Kent, England.
- His birth was registered in volume 2a page 835 of the Milton registration district in the September quarter of 1878.