Horace Histed
(1850 - 1857)
Horace Histed|b. 1850\nd. 1857|p155.htm|James Histed|b. between 1809 and 1811\nd. 5 Feb 1870|p122.htm|Cecilia Fowtrell|b. between 1818 and 1820\nd. 13 Sep 1905|p123.htm|James Highsted||p432.htm||||John Fowtrell||p433.htm||||
- Father: James Histed (between 1809 and 1811 - 5 Feb 1870)
- Mother: Cecilia Fowtrell (between 1818 and 1820 - 13 Sep 1905)
- Relationship: 3rd great-uncle of Adam Paul Brown.
- Horace Histed was born in 1850 in Milton, Kent, England.
- His birth was registered in volume V page 438 of the Milton registration district in the March quarter of 1850.
- He died in 1857 in Kent, England.
- His death was registered in volume 2a page 332 of the Milton registration district in the June quarter of 1857.